Is Your Sunscreen Toxic? Best Tips On Sun Protection From A Low-To Lifestyle Coach

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If you follow me on Instagram, you might remember that a couple years ago, I talked about a survey done by an online pharmacy, that found that high levels of a known human carcinogen, benzene were detected in 78 sunscreen and after-sun products. I want to share an update based on an article published by the EWG recently. I'll link that below.

Being that sunscreen is to be worn daily and for a lifetime, companies that make sunscreen products need to ensure that thorough testing is being done on the short-term and long-term effect of their products.

"The testing should include toxicity testing for irritation and skin allergies, as well as testing for skin absorption and the potential to cause cancer, disrupt the hormone system and cause harm during reproduction and development." (ewg)

There have been numerous studies within the past year that have caused concern on the endocrine-disrupting effects of the following ingredients in conventional sunscreen products:


A study published by the FDA found that the above-mentioned ingredients "are all systemically absorbed into the body after one use (Matta 2019, Matta 2020)...which also found that they could be detected on the skin and in the blood weeks after no longer being used (Matta 2020)."

In 2019, the FDA found that only two ingredients could be classified as safe and effective, based on the currently available information. Those ingredients are: zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

*Note: Titanium Dioxide is safe, except in powder form - especially loose powder - according to available data.

Key things to keep in mind when looking for a non-toxic sunscreen:

- Stay away from chemical-based sunscreen and opt for mineral-based sunscreen such as zinc and titanium dioxide, instead.

- Make sure the active ingredients are non-nano zinc and titanium dioxide. Ensuring they are non-nano is very important, since they are safest for your skin and the environment.

- If using spray SPF, be careful about inhaling it. You don't want to inhale any particles into your lungs, toxic or not.

- Use both a facial sunscreen and a body sunscreen. The skin on your face is much more sensitive than the rest of your body. Facial sunscreens are made specifically for the face because they are lighter and less likely to irritate your face. Body sunscreens can be too heavy for the skin on your face, they can make it greasy, and can make you break out.

- Aside from avoiding oxybenzone, octinoxate, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate, and avobenzone, it's also important that you read the rest of the label to make sure there aren't any other unwanted ingredients like preservatives that can also contribute to hormone disruption or other issues. Among others, I avoid the following ingredients in sun protection products:




Disodium EDTA








And more...

This is the best quality sunscreen with both amazing and clean ingredients and performance:

โ Facial SPFโ 

โ Body SPFโ 

If you need both, here's a quick way to get them:

โ Facial and Body SPFโ 

Note: I may earn a small affiliate commission on your purchase and any commissions earned will help support this podcast. Should you decide to contribute, your support will be greatly appreciated. 

If you would like a customized low-tox lifestyle plan, I'd love to offer you my guidance and support to help you.

Ways To Work With Me:

โ Swift Swap Package (30 minsโ โ ) โ 

โ Low-Tox Basic Audit Package (60 mins)โ 

โ Comprehensive Low-Tox Audit Package (90 mins)โ 

Need more than just a single session? Need ongoing support to reach your wellness goals? Book a FREE 20 minute call with me to find out if my 1:1 coaching program is right for you at this time: โ Clarity Call Booking Link โ 

Source & further reading:

โ Online pharmacy study and articleโ 

โ EWG reportโ 

โ Nanoparticles vs non-nano particlesโ 

โ Safe sun tipsโ 


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