The Hormone Refresh Method

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A 13-week program designed for busy career-driven & committed women who desire to achieve easier female cycles, conquer stress & build resilience, boost energy naturally, elevate mood, enhance sleep, minimize toxins, balance weight, develop self-love, & regain control of their well-being by improving their nutrition, movement, and holistic lifestyle habits.

Is this what a typical day looks like for you?

  • Using conventional beauty products to get ready in the morning

  • Having coffee and a pastry or bagel for breakfast

  • Rushing to work

  • Stuck behind the computer or working with clients back to back with little to no breaks

  • Not drinking enough water throughout the day

  • Skipping meals

  • Emotional or stress eating

  • Eating out most of the time

  • Not getting in enough movement

  • Tempted to follow every health trend

  • Using conventional household cleaners and laundry items

  • Scrolling social media before bed

  • Going to bed late

Is this how you feel?

  • Feeling exhausted

  • Feeling overwhelmed

  • Feeling restless

  • Having period problems

  • Having trouble sleeping

  • Having crazy cravings

  • Struggling to maintain a healthy weight

  • Feeling confused about how to reduce toxins & live a healthy life

  • Not setting healthy boundaries

  • Not doing enough of what brings peace and joy to your life

And is this also true for you?

  • You’re a woman with big dreams & goals for your life, family, or business, but you feel like you only have one good week in your entire cycle & that holds you back

  • You struggle with uncomfortable & unpleasant moods, and brain fog 1-2 weeks before your period

  • Your cravings are out of control, you feel “hangry” often, and your weight won’t budge

  • You’re always feeling tired and run down, you’re always on the go and moving non-stop

  • You feel overwhelmed by the thought of living completely toxin-free and feel it’s unsustainable, expensive, and hard

  • You feel overwhelmed and confused by all of the health trends you see online and the pressure to try it all

  • You’re not setting healthy boundaries and you are not doing enough of what truly makes you happy

Imagine if you could…

  • Have more regular, predictable, easier, and more comfortable cycles, so that you always know what to expect, your period never catches you off guard, again, & you can plan your goals and achieve them with more ease

  • Feel calmer and have more balanced moods, so you can enjoy life more

  • Stop feeling “hangry,” stop feeling tired after eating, & have less cravings, so you can maintain a healthy weight

  • Have more sustained energy, naturally, so you’re able to do more of the things you love

  • Learn how to read labels & feel confident about the buying choices you’re making for you and your family without breaking the bank or going crazy

  • Learn how to eat, move, and live in a way that is sustainable and right for you, so that healthy living actually feels good

  • Learn how to set healthy boundaries with your electronic devices and be able to clearly & lovingly communicate your needs to your loved ones

How much better would your life be?

How much more would you be able to accomplish in a day? A week? A month? A year?

How much more well-informed & well-equipped would you feel knowing you have all the tools & resources to improve your own health?

If the above described you to a T and you need support getting from where you are now to where you want to be, I am here for you! Book a free call below to chat about how we can make this happen.

Imagine this…

  • You can stop spending hundreds or thousands of your hard-earned dollars on supplements and restrictive cleanses that promise a quick fix, only to end up right back where you started.

  • You can stop the confusion and overwhelm of not knowing what holistic health expert to listen to about what works and what doesn’t.

  • You can stop ‘yo-yo’ dieting and restrictive eating patterns and learn how to eat in a way that nourishes your body and feels good to you.

  • You don’t have to continue struggling without a solution and spend years trying to figure it all out on your own. I’ve done the work so you don’t have to.

  • You can have someone as a partner who has been in your shoes and gets your struggles.

  • You can finally have the right tools & resources so that you’re well-equipped to better understand your body cues, take charge of your own health, & have more productive conversations with your doctor as needed.

All this is possible for you…

I’ve created a method that addresses hormone imbalances in the body that contribute to chronic stress & overwhelm, stress eating, unhealthy weight, unpredictable and severe periods, difficult cycles altogether, poor sleep, decreased energy, and more. This method emphasizes and prioritizes self-compassion, self-love, a balanced mindset, and resilience.

In my 13-week private coaching program, I teach you the foundational aspects that promote optimal health. I provide you with the information, tools, resources, guidance, support, and accountability to help get your body back into balance.

This is a combination of years of research, personal experience, and proven strategies. This is the framework I wish I had access to maannny years ago. It would’ve saved me a lottt of unnecessary stress, pain, and heartache.

Reflect on this and ask yourself if this is the support you’ve been looking for.

  • Past Client Testimonial

    “Since we started coaching I’m in a better mood. I am checking my cycle and reviewing food items that support me. I’m trying to get 8 hours of sleep and I’m more aware of what my body is telling me…

    I have also thought more about being thankful for different things that I didn’t think about before. I give myself a break when I’m not where I want to be. I am accepting things I can’t change.

    My trips to the grocery store have changed.  I buy fewer items and finds myself looking for specific brands. I’m looking for quality foods. When I eat I’m reaching out and looking for the protein not just the carbs.

    I’m talking to my husband about which brands we aren’t buying no more and he’s surprised to hear the reasons and is on board about making the change.  I just feel more informed overall and although I know it will take more time to fully implement everything I’m confident that the change will be significant.”

  • Past Client Testimonial

    “My sugar intake has dropped significantly. I feel pretty calm and happy during my days. My mental clarity is so much better too. I can't thank you enough for all you've helped me.”

  • Past Client Testimonial

    “Jess was always very professional, always prepared, answered all my questions and provided much more than I asked for. The information she provided me with has the value of a life time because it can change my health in a significant way. Living a healthier life really has will have an impact on the rest of my life and it’s very hard to put a price on that. Plus I love that she loves what she does and that she is so passionate about it. So I thank her for being an awesome coach!

    I would absolutely recommend taking The Hormone Refresh Method. My goal was to understand and support my hormones cycles and I got so much more than that. I have started losing weight and I’m loving it!!!”

What’s included in this 13-week, 1:1 program?

  1. An Initial 1-hour introductory, information-gathering, & coaching session

  2. Additionally, 1-hour sessions every week via a privacy protected software, with check-ins on the weeks we don’t meet

  3. A personalized and adaptable wellness action plan with micro-goals & micro-habits, based on your target goals, preferences, & circumstances

  4. A sample meal plan with delicious hormone-supportive meal ideas & recipes

  5. A “Pantry & Fridge Clean Out” - includes food recommendations

  6. A “Beauty Bag Makeover” - includes cosmetics & other personal care product recommendations

  7. A “Household Cleaners Upgrade” - includes kitchen, bathroom, & laundry room cleaner recommendations

  8. Digital downloadable PDF guides, cheatsheets, & other resources to go along with each topic discussed (eating and lifestyle habits, detox support, low toxic living, cyclical living, seed cycling, sleep & stress support, and more…)

  9. Direct & private communication with me as your coach, mentor, accountability partner, & supportive guide throughout the time we are working together

Topics covered:

  • Hormones & The Female Cycle

  • Holistic Nutrition & Movement

  • Toxins & Detox Support

  • Label Reading & Low-Toxic Living

  • Nervous System Support & Sleep Optimization

  • Sustainable Lifestyle Habits

Meet your mentor

Hi, I'm Jess, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist with a focus on hormone wellness.

My interest for health and wellness began in my 20's, after struggling with ongoing health issues that traditional treatments weren't solving. I started doing my own research and implementing what I was learning with great success because I was getting to the root of the problem. That catapulted me into immersing myself in the world of holistic & alternative wellness.

It became my mission to share with others what I was learning and I loved doing it. I now get to pursue my passion of helping other women like yourself, improve their health, too!

It would truly be my honor to be a part of your wellness journey by becoming your supportive guide, cheerleader, accountability partner, and mentor!





What format is The Hormone Refresh Method program?

This is a high-touch, 1:1, private coaching program where we will meet live via Zoom through a privacy protected software. Our sessions will take place every two weeks, with check-ins in-between sessions.

Is this program right for me if I want to improve my overall health?

Yes! This program most definitely is for women who want to improve their health overall and become a more well-nourished, balanced, and vibrant version of themselves!

Is this program right for me if I am a woman in menopause?

This program was designed specifically for women with a menstrual cycle. While you may still benefit from it, it won’t address challenges that are specific to women in menopause.

Is this program right for me if I am on the birth control pill or other kind of hormonal birth control?

This program is the best fit for women who have a natural menstrual cycle or are off hormonal birth control. However, you may still benefit from all the lifestyle changes you’ll be making. Just know that you won’t be working with your natural cycle when that topic is addressed.

Is this program right for me if I am a health and wellness coach?

No. This program is not for you if you are a health and wellness coach. This program is strictly for women who don’t have a background working in the wellness industry, but want to learn how to improve their own health by applying what they learn.

Still have questions?

Email me at: